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Membership Report

Monday, May 27, 2019

We have a total of 28 members. Almost reached our goal of 30....hopefully next season. Actually that is a pretty good number considering the length of time that we had. From the notification of acceptance to the cut off date of end of March, so....3-4 weeks, not that long. A great number considering there was no incentive to join this year.

A breakdown of the cost associated with the membership:

28 members
Each member paid $25.00.
28 members X $25.00 is $700.00

NDFC requires us to send in $15.00 per person for a National Membership this year.

28 members X $15.00 is $420.00

So in the end $700.00 - $420.00 = $280.00 that was actually able to be deposited into our account to
help with expenses.

Next year the price for membership will be $30 if you held one this year. If not, the price will be $35. A
slight increase. And again, a portion of that to be sent in to NDFC.